The field of activity of the AgroCon Co. includes:
repair and renovation of a sausage making equipment and a canning automatic machines (see photo); selling and complete delivery ofa meat processing equipmentand a meat packing machinery;mounting, starting-up and
adjustment works; training of a personnel.
The long-term
relationships with manufacturers of the food industry equipment from Russia, Ukraine,
Byelorussia and from abroad allow to supply with high quality
machinery at affordable prices and to decide a problems of our customers quickly. At Moscow modern warehouse there are the following
production equipment: meat grinders,vacuum meat
cutters,high speed meat mincers,meat emulsifying
machines,sausage meat mixers, sausage
stuffers,smoke units,meat massagers,automatic pickling injectors,clippers, lifts and loaders,autoclaves, can washing machines,automatic
labelers, weighing and filling machines, can seaming machines, weighing and packing machines, ice generators,vacuum
packing machines, and supporting machinery.
The AgroCon Co. is the participant of the International Exhibitions of Machinery and
Equipment for Agroindustrial Complex"Agroprodmash" in Moscow (see
photo). Qualification
and wide experience of the company's personnel in combination
with individual approach to a customer have enabled the AgroCon Co. to occupy a
leading place in the Russian market of the meat processing equipment. AgroCon Co. has close
relationships with many Russian meat packing plants from Smolensk up to Sakhalin.
In addition
to machinery, introduced in our price-lists, the AgroCon Co. deliversmeat packing and canningequipment from Europe by a customers orders.
Please send your delivery orders (by mail or by fax) with the indicating of the major
performance attributes. If you have any questions on the above please don't hesitate to contact us at the office. We seek not only a
business relationship, but a lasting partnership.
Our address:
AgroCon Company, International Business Center of Consumer's Co-operation, office 606,
Prospekt Vernadskogo 41, 119991 Moscow, RUSSIA (Near to the Metro Station
"Prospekt Vernadskogo").
Office hours:
9.00-17.00, Saturday and Sunday are free days.